Fluorescence Dissolved Oxygen

Introducing the NEW Rugged Dissolved Oxygen Sensor exclusively for the meter SC7450. The SC7450 sensor utilizes lifetime-based optical fluorescence sensor technology to provide an extremely stable, precise and low maintenance dissolved oxygen sensor. Unlike traditional DO sensors, SC7450 does not require membranes, stirring, and cleaning and allows deployment for many months without need for re-calibration!


Introducing the NEW Rugged Dissolved Oxygen Sensor exclusively for the meter SC7450. The SC7450 sensor utilizes lifetime-based optical fluorescence sensor technology to provide an extremely stable, precise and low maintenance dissolved oxygen sensor. Unlike traditional DO sensors, SC7450 does not require membranes, stirring, and cleaning and allows deployment for many months without need for re-calibration!


- Range 0.00~20.00ppm, 0.00~20.00mg/L, 0~200% Air Saturation
- Typical response limit >25mg/L
- Accuracy ±0.1mg/L, ±0.1ppm, ±1%
- Respond Time T90<16 seconds, oxygen increasing
- Technology Fluorophor impregnated membrane optical sensor, dynamic- luminescence quenching technique
- Calibration 1 or 2 point, typical calibration duration 12 months - Operate Temp. 32~122°F (0~50°C)
- Store Temp. 14~140°F (-10~60°C)
- Protection Immersible, >IP68
- Pressure 5 bar
- Sensor Material 316L, Titanium optional
- Digital Interface Modbus RTU


- High precision and accuracy. Measure absolute oxygen concentrations
without field calibrations
- Integrates directly into the SC7450 with Smart Sensor technology - “Plug & Play”
- No membrane, stirring/flow, or cleaning required
- Ultra-rugged construction – 316L, Titanium options
- Sapphire sensor window - extremely scratch resistant
- All of the optics and electronics are solid-state with no moving parts
- Optical sensor is not damaged by ambient light, unlike other luminescent DO technologies
- Fully compatible with PC software for easy setup and data logging
- Low sensitivity to fouling
- Fast response time


- The SC7450 is designed for the continuous measurement of dissolved oxygen in water.
- Typical applications include:
- The measurement and control of the oxygen in aeration basins
- The monitoring of oxygen in the effluent from a sewage treatment plant
- The measurement and control of the oxygen content of public water supplies
- The measurement and control of the oxygen at fish farms.
- The oxygenation of drinking water.
- The sensor is suitable for most environmental water
measurements, applications outside of the scope of applications
- Listed above may compromise the integrity of the sensor and should not be attempted without first consulting the factory.