The SC9400 Ammonium Sensor measures the concentration of dissolved ammonium as nitrogen (NH4+-N) in water. The sensor uses three electrodes to determine the NH4+-N concentration, an Ammonium Ion Electrode, a Potassium Ion Electrode and a pH Electrode. It is designed for use in all kinds of water. Typical applications include monitoring environmental waters, lakes, streams and wells as well as wastewater treatment in aeration basins and effluent.
Ion selective electrodes method
Measurement Range
Ammonium: 0.02 to 20.00 ppm, 100 / 500 / 1000 ppm Nitrate: 0.02 to 20.00 ppm, 100 / 500 / 1000 ppm pH: 0 to 14; Temp.: 0 to 100 °C (32 °F to 212 °F)
±3% of reading, dependent on Calibration
0.01 ppm
Response Time
T90 < 1 minute
Flow Rate
Max. 3.0m/s
Automatic Compensation
Temp.: 0 to 100 °C Optional: pH, K+, Cl-
Max Pressure
0.5 bar
Operating Temp.
0 to 50 °C
Process Connection
1.5” NPT
SS316, PVDF, PTFE, Glass
Digital Interface
RS485, Modbus RTU
Power Supply
24VDC by GDC, Max. 1W
3 to 5 bar air or water
IP Rate
SC9400 Ammonium Sensor Ammonium ISE electrode, K+, pH and Temp. electrodes. Fast and Accurate Ammonium Measurement NH4+ or NH4+-N; Fully compensated for pH, K+ interferences & Temperature.
NO7 Nitrate Sensor Nitrate ISE electrode, Cl- and Temp. electrodes. Fast and Accurate Nitrate Measurement NO3- or NO3--N; Fully compensated for Cl-interferences & Temperature (Optional pH electrode).
The AN7 Ammonium/Nitrate Sensor is optional for both Ammonium & Nitrate measuring at same time. Rugged PVC design, Removable electrode guard for easy maintenance. Integral Spray Head Cleaner, Clean sensor in situ with pressurized water or air. Internal Signal Conditioning, RS485 Modbus Digital signals allow up to 300 meters between Sensor and GDC.